Sunday, November 30, 2008

'Nuff Said

Newsbusters is my favorite place to go on the net for right wing opinion, as I figure I should see what the right is talking about, not just the left.

Their specialty is liberal media bias, and I find about one in 20 articles informative and the rest baseless or just plain asinine.

But they recently published their funniest headline ever. The alleged bis is...

"AP Blames Budget Deficits on Bush, Tax Cuts and War"

That one's so funny I don't even have to go further.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Modern Ozymandias

This Daily Kos take on the classic poem is worth reading...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Good Guy, Good Ad

This ad for the Make-a-Wish Foundation is a classic, and a good argument for the less cynical approach to superheroes. Who wouldn't want a kid to experience that? Who wouldn't want to be the villain?

The ad is a re-enactment, but the story is true, and the volunteer villain plays himself. The original child is alive and well, but too old to reprise his part, so a child actor subs for him.

You can see a higher quality version of the ad here.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Dark Goof

This plot hole in the Dark Knight movie was so obvious that I was sure someone else would post it on the Internet Movie Database, but no one ever did.

Plot holes: When the Joker is arrested, the police do everything they can to identify him. Everything, that is, except wiping off his makeup.

I post stuff on all the time, but they seem to be very fussy about their really big pics, so I'm particularly proud of this one.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Take On Me (With Lyrics)

Ever wonder what the words were to the famous "Take on Me" video of the '80s?

Someone was smart enough to make a version with subtitles It really makes it easier to follow.

Friday, November 07, 2008

First Family Album

A great link to some election night photos of President Elect Obama and family.

How Things Have Changed in America

Thursday, November 06, 2008


Some victory photos.