Sunday, October 28, 2007

From the Onion

Red Sox Attempt To Break Fabled Curse Of Relief Pitcher Curtis Leskanic

The Onion

Red Sox Attempt To Break Fabled 'Curse Of Relief Pitcher Curtis Leskanic'

BOSTON—The Boston Red Sox, who have failed to win a single World Series since the departure of relief pitcher Curtis Leskanic in 2004, are attempting to defy the odds and do the impossible: reverse the curse of the journeyman reliever whose...

Bush Throws It

The World Series hero on Fox? Why, our glorious leader, President Bush!

How can you disagrees with those admiring fireman played by actors?

Hat tip to Think Progress.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fox News Sticks With the Script

October 17, 2007 on Hannity & Colmes:

Will Media Matters Force Media Outlets to Correct Air America False Mugging Story?

On October 16,

The Air America radio host Randi Rhodes has taken a leave of absence from her show after suffering an injury while walking her dog in Manhattan on Sunday night. Her lawyer, Robert Gaulin, said she “fell hard to the ground” and sustained facial injuries while walking near her apartment on Park Avenue. On Monday evening, her fellow Air America host Jon Elliott reported that Ms. Rhodes, a staunch liberal known for her fiery antiwar rhetoric, had been “assaulted” and wondered aloud whether she was attacked by “the right-wing hate machine.” Yesterday, Air America said “the reports of a presumed hate crime are unfounded.” Mr. Elliott later released a statement apologizing for jumping to conclusions “based on hearsay.” It was unclear whether Ms. Rhodes was intentionally injured. Mr. Gaulin would not comment on what caused Ms. Rhodes to fall. Several people were near her at the time, but none have come forward to describe what they saw, he added. BRIAN STELTER

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Noah Had His Dove. Francis Scott Key Had His Flag. I have This

I wanted to find out if there way any news about when George's remaining studio albums would be available in Itunes, so I Googled

"george harrison" itunes "Dark Horse" "extra texture"

And what do you know, my blog post was the third find on Google.

I've made it.

I'm famous.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

George on Itunes

Well, George Harrison debuted in Itunes today, making him the fourth of four Beatles to have (most of) his solo catalog available through, Apple - er, Steve Jobs' Apple, that is.
It's all there except two solo albums (Dark Horse and Extra Texture), his two compilations (Best of George Harrison and Best of Dark Horse), and The Concert For Bangla Desh.

Only Bangla Desh's absence is really felt. Dark Horse and Extra Texture are among his weakest albums, and helped marginalize him as a pop artist in the '70s. The two compilations are both dated and should be replaced anyway. (Besides, no one seriously thought the seven Beatles songs on Best of GH would make it to Itunes anyway.)

So what should be on the new "best of"? I decided to see what came up when I sorted George's tracks by popularity on Itunes.

In just a few hours, these made the top ten:

My Sweet Lord
What Is Life
Got My Mind Set On You
Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth)
If Not for You
All Those Years Ago
When We Was Fab
Blow Away
Crackerbox Palace
All Things Must Pass

That's a really strong start for a collection. I guess it's the wisdom of the marketplace in action.

I also picked out the next ten songs from the Itunes chart, except I decided not to allow more than five All Things Must Pass tracks on my "best of." (The excess tracks are marked in red). So here's the rest:

Here Comes the Sun (Live In Japan)
Beware of Darkness
This Song
Devil's Radio
Isn't It a Pity (Version Two)
I'd Have You Anytime
Living In the Material World
Awaiting On You All
Apple Scruffs
Dream Away
This Is Love
What Is Life (Backing Track) [Bonus Track]
Love Comes to Everyone
Dark Horse (Live In Japan)
Any Road
My Sweet Lord (2000)
Cloud Nine

Overall, four stars. The few tracks I'd quibble with are Wah-Wah (which has a stubborn cult that loves its avalanche of sound), Living in the Material World (a good track, but it's a little overblown for a "best of" collection) and Love Comes to Everyone (I never really cared for anything on "George Harrison" other than "Blow Away.")

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Yankees Decline Wild Card

The Onion

Yankees Decline Wild Card

NEW YORK—Saying the American League wild-card bid is "beneath the dignity of the Yankees organization" and "an affront to everything [we] stand for," New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner and manager Joe Torre told reporters during a...

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Glasgow's Native Duckling

Meet the newest resident of Glasgow's "Who's Who."

It took him sixty years to make it.

Eat your heart out, Groundskeeper Willie!

Monday, October 01, 2007

It's October, AKA, Pre-Halloween

Let's start with a fun one!

Bill O'Reilly Goes to Sylvia's


And the Daily Show has the exclusive.